The Art of Cosmetic Tattoo
Now available with the most innovative and advanced techniques, developed to give you the most natural looking enhancements. In only a matter of hours and maximum comfort ensured, you could have the look you always wanted, saving yourself time and having the convenience of makeup that wont smudge!
Achieve results like this:

Important information for pre-procedure:
Please note all Cosmetic Tattoo Procedures are a two step process so please understand that all procedures require you to have the touch up/ perfection treatment ideally 6 weeks post procedure. This is because after this amount of time the pigment has settled into the dermis and we are able to correct and perfect any area that may have fallen out and achieve the final implanted colour and shape.
Please advise if you are have allergies to topical anaesthetic. Please refrain from drinking alcohol 24-48 hours prior to your procedure. Please eat before coming to your procedure to stabilise blood sugar levels.
All Blood thinners and anticoagulants should be ceased 7 days prior to treatment. e.g. Fish Oil, ibuprofen. If you are pregnant unfortunately you are unable to undergo treatment.
For Eyeliner Procedures: Eyelash Extensions must be removed prior to your procedure. Contact lenses are to be removed prior to your treatment and we advised for you to arrange a lift home if you are unable to drive without contact lenses in.
For Lip Procedures: If you are a cold sore sufferer you must take Lysine or proper medication from your doctor or pharmacy to prevent outbreaks or cold sores which can impair the healing process.
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